Selected publications:
Bégué L, Peignier M, Ringler E (2023) Personality and habitat selection in a neotropical poison frog. Behaviour 160: 257-274.
Bégué L, Tschirren N, Peignier M, Szabo B, Ringler E (2023) Behavioural consistency across metamorphosis in a neotropical poison frog. Evolutionary Ecology.
Chaloupka S, Peignier M, Stückler S, Araya-Ajoy Y, Walsh P, Ringler M, Ringler E (2022) Repeatable territorial aggression in a Neotropical poison frog. Frontiers in Ecology and Evoluion 10: 881387.
Peignier M, Ringler M, Ringler E (2023) Odor cues rather than personality affect tadpole deposition in a neotropical poison frog. Current Zoology – in press.
Peignier M, Araya-Ajoy YG, Bégué L, Chaloupka S, Dellefont K, Leeb C, Walsh P, Ringler M, Ringler E (2022) Exploring links between personality traits and their social and non-social environments in wild poison frogs. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 1-14.
Peignier M, Bégué L, Ringler M, Szabo B, Ringler E (2023) Regardless of personality, males show similar levels of plasticity in territory defense in a Neotropical poison frog. Sci Rep 13: 3435.
Peignier M, Bégué L, Gieseke A, Petri D, Ringler M, Ringler E (2022) Mate choice in a promiscuous poison frog. Ethology 128: 693-703.
Peignier M, Araya-Ajoy YG, Ringler M, Ringler E (2023) Personality traits differentially affect components of reproductive success in a Neotropical poison frog. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20231551.
Ringler E, Dellefont K, Peignier M, Canoine V (2024) Water-borne testosterone levels predict exploratory tendency in male poison frogs. General and Comparative Endocrinology 346: 114416.
Rodríguez C, Fusani L, Raboisson G, Hödl W, Ringler E, Canoine V (2022) Androgen responsiveness to simulated territorial intrusions in Allobates femoralis males: evidence supporting the challenge hypothesis in a territorial frog. General and Comparative Endocrinology.
Sonnleitner R, Loretto M-C, Ringler M, Ringler E (2020) Experience shapes accuracy in territorial decision-making in a poison frog. Biol. Lett. 16: 20200094